it's like a culture without the effort of all of the culture
LCD Soundsystem "Movement"The Fall "Psykick Dancehall #2"Coke Bref and I usually agree about everything; our undernourished minds are almost one. We both find the lemon drop to be the sweetest lemon-flavored martini. We know that beer is never finer than when it’s enjoyed upon a subway car at eight in the morning.
FRESHMINISTRIES is our favorite faith-based initiative. Yes, we are brothers in opinion, cousins of concurrence. This truth be most real.
But we might differ when it comes to the new
LCD Soundsystem record.
Coke finds it underwhelming, whereas I am thoroughly whelmed by it. Some tracks slack some, but not everything can be expected to rule it. The song cited by my colleague most definitely stands proud as the alb’s crowning achievement, but there is much else to be commended upon that reflective laser-beam receptor.
“Movement”, for instance, is a corker, and perhaps the prime exemplar of the LCD guy’s
Mark E. Smith fixation. Yes, much of this record resembles
the Fall, and not the early period rockin’ stuff that most frequently gets ripped, but the relatively crappy early ‘90’s technoesque material that is widely looked down upon.
“Daft Punk is Playing in My House” could be off of
Extricate or
Code: Selfish, and, were that so, would be the best song on either. But “Movement”, the song in question, rocks it up enough to resemble the classic Fall. In fact, it sorta reminds me of
“Psykick Dancehall #2”, a very early single. Murphy even nicks the singing, and somehow does it in an inoffensive fashion. Way to go, buddy.
But so, this record is certainly fine enough, and the second disc is, as everybody feels impelled to state, better than the first. You can buy this thing
hereabouts, and the Fall tune can be found on
this compilation.