Do you guys like the Clientele?
They're one of those weird bands that seem to tread the line between completely obscure/somewhat popular and loved/annoyed by. So what's the deal? I assume most of you have probably at least heard the name.
They are a creeper band. The first time you hear them you think in blog language "meh" or "whatevs". Then you have a choice- check out something else, or see what the "meh" develops into. If you pick option number two, you'll start thinking in blog language "I *heart* Clientele", but that's too 2003, so it'll probably be more like "do I love the Clientele? Obs!" Or if you're a blogperson and you're age 20 or younger (or you're my brother) you think "CLIENTELE RULZ FLFORLA! AHALKJKS :') ROFL BRAVERY SUXXX." Or something like that. I don't know that language too well.
So if you listen to this, I recommend jamming it at least two or three times if you can "meh" it. They are a real slow-burn.
Since K Got Over Me My Own Face Inside the Trees These are two from their forthcoming album. The first is the jammmmmm. (obs)